Posts tagged ‘New Berlin’

February 8, 2009

Waukesha Carnival 02/08/2009

by thoughtfulconservative

Welcome to this week’s edition. It’s gettin’ late and I have to work tomorrow, so let’s get to it.

First sad news, Darryl Enriquez at Waukesha FYI tells us about the Waukesha Freeman layoffs. One of those laid off was photographer and Waukesha blogger Byron Houlgrave, who shared the last picture he clicked for the Freeman.

Continuing in Waukesha city, Jeff reviews the fish fry at Michael’s Italian America Restaurant at Five Points Blog.

James Wigderson went to the Waukesha Common Council meeting and shares his thoughts with us at Wigderson Library & Pub.

Spiralling out a little, Linda Richter at Inside New Berlin finds the security cameras in schools unsettling and it’s not just the price tag.

At peterepublic, Pete Fanning drops by to remind us he’s still alive, just very, very very busy.

Kyle Prast at Practically Speaking reminds us that US Rep. Sensenbrenner and state Rep. Leah Vukmir will have several town halls. One is past, two are upcoming.

In posts about state news, Wisconsin Sen. Mary Lazich (chief aide Kevin Fischer?) points out at Conservatively Speaking that the Wisconsin Covenant program could be costly.

In a couple of miscellaneous posts, Curt Otto gives us the question to last week’s answer, or something like that. Any way it’s all over at Maple & Main.

Meanwhile, over at the Spring City Chronicle, Michael Phelps gets the Bonehead of the Week award. Pretty much a unanimous vote, I would say.

Then in posts on national issues, MommaBlogger takes time out to rant over that Florida case of the botched abortion at Homemakers Guide to the Galaxy.

Dan Deibert shows us how fast government can move when they want to, with pictures at The D Spot.

Alex has some thoughts about Republican votes and raises at A Little off Main.

At The Other Side of  My Mouth, Tim Rock has some thoughts on the Republican vote on the stimulus package.

Silent e tells us why Democrats are unpatriotic at silent e speaks.

Cindy Kilkenny has a two-parter over at Fairly Conservative on building our own stimulus package.

Dad29 points out that the American people seem to be understanding the ramifications of the stimulus package.

Whew, that’s it for another long one. As usual, if you have one you liked add the link in the comments below or e-mail me at thoughtfulconservative [at] yahoo [dot] com. Same for posts you’d like to nominate for next week’s carnival. It doesn’t have to be one of your own. Links to our archives and future editions can be found here.

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February 2, 2009

Waukesha Carnival – Super Bowl XLIII edition

by thoughtfulconservative

Let’s get right into this week’s Super carnival. As usual, these are my choices, although you are certainly free to put yours in the comments.

Let’s start with posts about what’s going on nationally. At Practically Speaking, Kyle Prast wonders if Republicans will say no to pork. The governors seem to have capitulated with a couple of exceptions.

Tom Gehl also gives us some plain talk on the “stimulus” package over at Brookfield Basics.

In a related story, the Asian Badger has some thoughts on that CITI bank jet.

Silent e speaks and points out a little hypocrisy at the White House.

Cindy Kilkenny had a proposal on “Drill Here, Drill Now” at Fairly Conservative. The expected result?

Tax revenue and a move towards energy independence from one simple decision.

Sounds simple to me. Cindy also thought that long term contracts such as the one Charlie Sykes recently signed should put an end to talk about the Fairness Doctrine. I disagree, but linked because of the discussion generated.

Dad29 gives us a snapshot of an entitlements catastrophe in the wings. And he kicks off the posts on Wisconsin section by helping Judge Koschnick in adding to the list of Abrahamson “activist” decisions.

Sen. Mary Lazich says the taxpayers deserve answers on Wisconsin Shares. You can read her post at Conservatively Speaking.

Rose Fernandez is getting serious about blogging and posts a few questions and answers. She’s blogging at her campaign web site Change DPI.

Over at Wigderson Library & Pub, James Wigderson looks at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction race and Dr. Van Mobley’s stands of some issues like increasing the sales tax (to offset a cut in property tax).

The best post on Gov. Doyle’s State of the State speech can be found at Spring City Chronicle, where our good friend Huckleberry Dumbell uses the technology of the “internets” and Google Translator to sort it out.

Randy Melchert, whom I’m adding to the blog roll soon, has a report on a pro-life demonstration in Madison and has video.

Within Waukesha County, Jeff at Five Points Blog informs us of a new direction for the blog and the addition of a co-blogger. Since it is now devoted to eating, drinking and recreation in Waukesha, if you would like to blog there, get in touch with him.

Alexander muses over at A Little Off Main about traffic control at five points during special events. While they’re at it, Alexander would like another “five points” intersection looked at.

Mayor Larry Nelson has published another in his series of Mayor’s Memos. Sure looks busy. Maybe he’s trying to convince us he’s worth all that money we’re paying him.

Linda Richter at Inside New Berlin lets us know about some voter forums taking place for various New Berlin offices.

Bryon Houlgrave has several new pictures posted but I liked this one best because it reminds me there are only 11 days until pitchers and catchers report.

James Rowen at The Political Environment congratulates Waukesha for cutting water consumption, but raises a question on the diversion sought.

Darryl Enriquez posted about a fight at the men’s homeless shelter downtown which started quite a discussion in the comments at Waukesha FYI.

The anonymous blogger at seems to object to Huckleberry’s characterization of their fair community in a recent post.

Scott Feldstein shares his frustrations with video news, especially on the site.

That’s the end of this week’s super carnival. As always you can leave a comment suggesting a post for this week or next week’s carnival. Or you can e-mail them to me at thoughtfulconservative [at] yahoo [dot] com.

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January 26, 2009

Waukesha Carnival – No football Sunday edition

by thoughtfulconservative

OK, this is late. Google Reader decided to quit working last night. But this is edition 50, IIRC. But let’s not rest on our laurels.

Beginning with posts on national topics. silent e has a question at silent e speaks now that administrations have changed. I can answer it. No. We’ve got at least one more year.

Dad29 opines that Obama calling out Rush Limbaugh a rookie mistake. He’s right. He only increased Rush’s audience. James Rowen has the tack Obama should take.

At Wigderson Library & Pub, James Wigderson has some points to make about living and blogging in the Obama era. That’s what I’ll try to follow. Will I criticize? Yes. But I’ll try not to nit pick. I hope my readers will never find Obama Derangement Syndrome here.

MommaBlogger at Homemaker’s Guide to the Galaxy has some info on CPSIA. I hear libraries will feel the effects also.

Dan Diebert shares at The D Spot a picture that belies the enviro-consciousness of the president’s followers.

Kyle Prast links to a thought-provoking pro-life ad at Practically Speaking.

A little bit closer to home Concernedcitizen lets us know he’s still at Skeptics Anonymous. The usual suspects are at fault for his lack of posting. It happens.

Huckleberry Dumbell crowns his Bonehead of the Day, the Oconomowoc Common Council. You can read why at The Spring City Chronicle.

Dave posts about a lunch at Sprizzo’s at Five Points Blog.

Alexander at A Little off Main has a name for Republicans who are fine with the stimulus increase government spending and want their share–RINO.

Linda Richter at Inside New Berlin notes the return of Jefferson Davis and Ted Wysocki.

The Asian Badger gives some perspective on Flight 1549 and links to FL390 where the Airbus 320 pilot who blogs there gives even more perspective.

Finally, a couple of miscellaneous posts. First, Byron Houlgrave has a nice sports shot.

At Fairly Conservative, Cindy Kilkenny links to a couple of piece’s that would be worth a read by all of us. Unfortunately, the title played havoc with my internet filter as did the title of one of the articles.

And Scott Feldstein brings us home with some nice thoughts on reading to kids.

That’s it for this edition. If you have posts from last week you think should be here, note the link in the comments. Also if you see something for next week’s carnival, place a link in the comments here.

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October 19, 2008

Waukesha Carnival

by thoughtfulconservative

Welcome to this week’s edition, the thirty-eighth dating back to September 16 of last year. This is where I share the links of noteworthy posts of the preceding week. Feel free to share other posts in the comments.

Let’s see what we have locally.

OK, this has nothing to do with the free mug I got at Drinking Right, but those of you who have met or read JJ Gravelle at The Daily Scoff, just knew that he would deal with the New Berlin-Pewaukee urination bruhaha in a tasteful and sensitive way.

Continuing in the sports vein, Dan at Skeptics Anonymous thinks last season was a pretty good one for the Brewers.

Scott Berg at his blog 359 Degrees talks about the Brookfield city Finance Committee meeting.

Josh at Blog Waukesha wonders Is there competition to Kramer? as he blogs on the race for the 97th district of the Wisconsin Assembly.

If you don’t go to Spring City Chronicle for Huckleberry Dumbell’s daily news summaries or his Sunday Scans, you should at least go for his ghost blogging and poetry which he combines here. And it’s annotated!

James Wigderson blogs at Wigderson Library & Pub about his weekly column in the Waukesha Freeman (always worth the 50 cents) where he blogs about free speech.

silent E speaks about a great piece by Michelle Malkin he read concerning Joe the plumber.

Cindy Kilkenny at Fairly Conservative fact checks the factcheckers in her post Why you should never trust CNN.

Alex at Hobo Springs is relieved McCain is finally saying he’s not George Bush.

And Kyle Prast maintains at Practically Speaking that the presidential election is not over yet.

MommaBlogger shares a recipe for Apple Grilled Cheese at Homemaker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

State Sen. Mary Lazich (aide Kevin Fischer?) compares abortion to light bulbs in this post, Pro-choice, but not about light bulbs at Conservatively Speaking.

Similarly, at Common Sense Waukesha, Dean Culver posts his thoughts on Liberal Hypocrites.

Finally, to post only on gloom is just not right. Dad29 cures that with some bank humor.

That concludes this week’s edition. You can always submit your favorite post of the week using this submission form. Or you can e-mail it directly to me at thoughtfulconsevative [at] yahoo [dot] com. Or put it in the comments of this post.

Past and future editions can be found on our here for your perusal.

April 16, 2008

Waukesha Carnival – Better late than never edition?

by thoughtfulconservative

Yeah, it was quite a weekend. I lost my internet on Sunday so couldn’t post, or even write it until tonight. I’ve got a busy weekend coming up so next week’s may be late also.

As usual, you can submit a post of your own to the next edition using our this hand submission form. Past posts and future editions can be found on the blog carnival index page.

We’ve got another lengthy one so let’s get started.

On the national front, Shawn Matson has another look at Obama’s potential VPs at The Case for Milwaukee, while silent e gives us two bumper stickers for our amusement. Sancho still believes it’s Obama’s race to lose and tells us why he thinks that at La Raza de Waukesha.

Other postings of national interest find Dad29 notes a possible correlation between the rise in gasoline prices and Alan Greenspan’s money policy. Posting at Rendezvous With Destiny, Troy Fullerton asks Why Are Democrats Doing the Bidding of Hugo Chavez?

Ready for a break? Bryon Houlgrave has some shots that prove spring really is coming.

Next comes state affairs. The Asian Badger dissects strategies of the Center on Wisconsin Strategy and the Wisconsin Council on Children & Families. James Wigderson treats us with the latest installment of his Idiot Politician of the Week. Cindy Kilkenny investigates Kevin Fischer’s vacations at Fairly Conservative.

Taxes done? Feeling pain? David B. Bohl gives us another helpful post with his 5 Ways to Reduce Tax Stress Next Year.

Local news finds the New Berlin bloggers hot and heavy into controversy. Read Matt Thomas, Linda Richter, J. Gravelle (whose two blogs have been added to the blog roll and will no doubt appearing further in this carnival. His April 1 post last year is too funny as is most of his posts), and New Berlin Citizens for Responsible Government may have something too.

Kyle Prast at her BrookfieldNOW blog Practically Speaking has notes on the Elmbrook school board meeting on the human growth and development curriculum.

Lisa has reviews the latest comic books at her blog, Sequentially Speaking.

Finally in Waukesha city, Curt Otto, who lives in downtown Waukesha, shares his thoughts on the Harley event. Jeff at Five Points blog defends the city administrator and mayor nelson from what he considers unfair criticisms. Fox Head gives his first thoughts about the potential Waukesha School District referendum.

Spring City Chronicle reflects briefly on floods.

I was going to feature a post on media election spin by Jessica McBride, but I can’t link to the post without permission and probably not too many others could either, so I’ll link to her excellent column in the Waukesha Freeman on Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Dave Umhoefer, whose article, by the way, you can read here.

Wow, that does it for this week. Hopefully, I’ll post the next edition of the carnival on Sunday this week, or, at least, Monday.

December 4, 2007

A Waukesha Carnival edition 13

by thoughtfulconservative

After a Thanksgiving weekend hiatus, I’m back with another rundown of the quality Waukesha posts of the last week. You may differ. Nominate yours in the comments or send them to thoughtfulconservative [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Seems there was some football game that a lot of people wanted to watch, but couldn’t. The Asian Badger tells the whiners (one Chief Whiner in particular) to quit whining and get a dish. Dad29 noted a price rise in his basic cable package; no NFL Network, no Big10 (actually 11, don’t judge their math programs by it) and wonders how that works. Jeff at Five Points questions if its worth the extra to listen to Bryant Gumbel. So did Pete. Fox Head speculated while waiting for the game to begin,

Let the finger pointing begin, who’s to blame here? The NFL for being greedy? The cable companies for also being greedy? Or the fans who choose to whine and moan and cajole their legislators into doing something. I say all three.

James Wigderson, who seemed to be extremely interested in the above game, took time to post about a blogger (well, actually a blogger who agreed with the blogger, are you confused yet?) who objected to the Tom McMahon’s parody of some bumper sticker. Evidently, this was a big deal, too. James also managed to take a shot at public television, in between trash-talking Packer fans.

silent e live-blogged the snow storm 🙂 . Great job.

Art was a subject for a few Waukesha bloggers this week. Curt Otto informed us of a new sculpture going up at Barstow and Main. It looks like a guitar. Or a woman. Or whatever, I guess. All I can say is I’ve never seen a guitar with breasts. Spring City Chronicle gets excited about it and proposes more guitar art. Jeff at Five Points makes his second appearance of this weeks carnival by saying if the “asterisk” is art, then the Fonzie statue should be, too.

David from Carrick Bend Thoughts has a quote for those who believe Global Warming is man-made. The Asian Badger says blame everything on global warming (Well, not really). I think that includes the aforementioned football game being unavailable to many the Packers loss.

Jessica McBride noted the arrest of an Appleton man being arrested for murder because he gave his girlfriend birth control pills that caused an abortion. Tim Rock disagrees (what else is new?).

Speaking of Jessica, she has a broadcast over the Internet. She includes the phone number to call and time of her next broadcast. Her husband, Paul Bucher, joined her for the first one. There was interesting back and forth between the two. They obviously don’t agree perfectly on every issue. That’s news, right?

Yorick’s Persiflage joins the Christmas debate.

Shawn Matson at Balancing Brookfield has a modest proposal for the school board. Kyle Prast at Practically Speaking reported on the Brookfield School Board meeting that voted for continuing the4K classes.

Cindy Kilkenny comments on the Richard Roberts resignation from Oral Roberts University, something I haven’t included in my posts on televangelists spending habits.

State Senator Mary Lazich posts at least twice on PhotoID for voter verification. This was in response to a Legislative Audit Bureau report on Compliance with Election Laws.

Sancho posts at Hobo Springs about his high schooler taking online phys. ed. Yep, you read that right, online Phys. Ed. How do they do that, you ask? Well, I can’t spoil the ending.

Pete (although many others did also) noted the passing of Evel Knievel. I know some distant relatives of his (same last name) and he died in my adopted hometown of Clearwater, FL. Pete has a couple of video clips.

New Berlin continues their full contact politics this time the New Berlin Citizens for Responsible Government posts and Linda Richter at Inside New Berlin responds.

Tom Gehl at Brookfield Basics has some good thoughts about Great Lakes water.

Dad29 reflects on the budget deficit in Wisconsin and ends it with, “it’s the SPENDING, STUPID!!!”

That’s it for this week. Tune in next week for another edition. If you think there’s an omission, submit it in the comments.