Archive for ‘Politics’

December 21, 2016

Founding Faith by Steven Waldman

by thoughtfulconservative

Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom in AmericaFounding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the Birth of Religious Freedom in America by Steven Waldman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Steven Waldman has written a very informative and fairly balanced book on the Faith of the Founders, majoring on five (Franklin, Adams, Washington, Jefferson and Madison) although touching on others.

My version had 274 pages with 16 in the introduction. There were 208 pages of writing with the rest being notes and index.

Waldman boiled down the important points in the last chapter of the book:

1. Liberal Fallacy 1: Most Founding Fathers were deists or secular.
2. Conservative Fallacy 1: Most Founding Fathers were serious Christians.
3. Liberal Fallacy 2: The Constitution [and Bill of Rights] demanded strict separation of church and state throughout the land.
4. Conservative Fallacy 2: Separation of church and state is a twentieth-century invention of the courts.
5. Liberal Fallacy 3: Separation of church and state was designed mostly to protect religious minorities.
6. Conservative Fallacy3: Advocates of separation are anti-religion.

And the last: The Founders had this all figured out.

A correlation I would add, is that the Founders were some monolithic bloc who agreed on everything.

You may not agree with his conclusions, but he backs it up with lots of quotes and notes and takes on the fallacies of both sides.

Highly recommended.

View all my reviews

November 19, 2015

Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin

by thoughtfulconservative


We’ve known that Ann Coulter’s chosen candidate in 2016 is Donald Trump. She makes no bones about it.

Ann lost her luster for me long ago. The red meat she’s into is not my cup of tea. But it makes liberal heads explode whenever I link to or quote her.

Clean harmless fun. She’s wrong about Trump, but she’s wrong about other stuff, too, in my opinion.

None of this makes her not a conservative.

Apparently Michelle Malkin, at the least, thinks Donald Trump is right on immigration. This has led some to say she’s not conservative, even though Trump’s position is not that different from many Republicans.

Which shows itself in the polls.

Just because people support Trump , it doesn’t make them liberal.

But it seems that it’s not enough to not support Trump in this crazy election year, you’ve got to condemn those who support him. Heck you might even have to condemn those who don’t say negative stuff about those who support Trump.

I believe I’ve read both ladies enough to know they’re not liberal.

And I’ve already been blocked. Oh well.

Single issue voters. All other issues hinge on one single issue. And if you don’t agree, you’re a pariah.

But hey, what do I know…

I’m probably not a “real” conservative myself.

November 15, 2015

My reads 2015-11-15

by thoughtfulconservative

via Trump: Paris massacre would have been ‘much different’ if people had guns –

via Forget insurance. These Delaware docs only take fees.

via Paris pays the price of inaction: Column.

via After the Paris Attacks, a Call for Justice—Not Vengeance | The Nation.

via What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained | PolitiFact.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

via Kohler workers reject offer, OK first union strike at company since 1983.

via Witness intimidation ‘out of control’ in Milwaukee County.

via Tom Still – Wisconsin needs more start-ups to counter loss of legacy industries.

July 5, 2013

Most Think Founders Would be Disappointed in U.S.

by thoughtfulconservative

A new Gallup survey finds that despite a high 85% of Americans saying they are “extremely” or “very” proud to be an American, 71% say the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be disappointed in today’s United States, while 27% say they would be pleased.

via Most Think Founders Would be Disappointed in U.S..

I’m not sure what they would be disappointed with. Conservatives and libertarians may feel they would be disappointed with how big government became and how dependent we are on it. Liberals no doubt think it would be how a few seems to have influence over the many.

I think they’d be pretty happy that their experiment has lasted this long.

July 5, 2013

US Parents Are Loath to Raise Future Politicians

by thoughtfulconservative

This is one of those polls that drives me crazy.

Mommas don’t want their babies to grow up to be politicians, a new poll finds.

U.S. parents who are pretty down on Washington and don’t want their kids anywhere near the political world.

A new Gallup poll finds that only 31 percent of Americans want their son or daughter to go into politics.

via US Parents Are Loath to Raise Future Politicians – ABC News.

Besides the non-sentence paragraph in the middle (doesn’t anyone proof-read anymore?), it starts with promise. Maybe there’s something to this. But then,

As it turns out, Americans have never really loved the idea of raising future politicians. Fewer than 30 percent of Americans have said they want their son to go into politics since the 1960s.

Sigh. So there’s no news here. It’s basically the same as it’s always been.

It kinda makes one wonder about the breathless quality of the headline.

But maybe that’s my imagination…


July 3, 2013

Reading 7/3/2013

by thoughtfulconservative

If George Zimmerman Is Found Not Guilty, Can The American People Handle It? « TheTradingReport.

I suspect some rioting will take place if he’s found innocent.

The growing public acceptance of same-sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana are signs of that the idea of the government minding its own business — in most things — is gaining credence with the public.

via The Libertarian States of America.

And it has a map! #mapgeek

A Gallup poll has found that Obama’s Perceived Honesty, Crisis Management Key to Approval.

So there’s that.

And it’s a poll so <shrug>.

JONATHAN ALTER: There is already very little [illegal immigration] right now, if you look at statistics.

via Chris Matthews: “Republicans Don’t Like Illegal Immigration” And Democrats “Believe In Illegal Immigration” | RealClearPolitics.

Matthews’ quote is, as media is wont to do, a broad brush that attempts to polarize. One group is one side of the issue, the other group is the other side of the issue. It’s what draws viewers and henceforth sells advertising.

Although MSNBC doesn’t seem to be doing that well…