Archive for ‘oil’

September 8, 2008

House Democrats to yield on offshore drilling

by thoughtfulconservative


Should the Democratic bill contain language lifting the ban on offshore drilling, it will mark a dramatic shift since July, when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was adamant in refusing to allow her chamber to vote on any offshore drilling proposal.

Which, it seems, they will do,

House Democrats are ready to propose an expansion of offshore drilling as part of a broader energy bill  they plan to introduce this month, according to a top Democrat.

The reason is clear.

August 11, Rasmussen–64% Now Support Offshore Drilling; 42% See it as Best Way to Reduce Oil Prices

July 30, CNN–Americans favor offshore drilling

In fact poll after poll saying basically the same thing, even in Florida and California, makes it obvious that the house Democrats heard from their constituents.

But maybe they’re not being completely honest. Via Dad29 comes this,

Human Events (8/25) in Capital Briefs, reports:

According to (D) leadership sources….Pelosi is insisting on adding numerous poison pills to energy legislation she is drafting. [The bill] is designed to immunize [House democrats]..

…it would include, among other things, a “renewable portfolio standard” …[an] anti-coal provision …require utilities to produce 15% of their power from wind, solar, and other renewable sources by 2020…

….also wants to eliminate various tax incentives for oil companies–a provision which would make gasoline more expensive…

We’ll see when Congress gets back in session.