The end of the line

by thoughtfulconservative

What started 5 and a half years ago has come to an end.

This is my last post. I am quitting for personal reasons.

I will miss the friends I made here and on Twitter and Facebook, but all things must end sometime.

I thank those folks who stopped by to read my musings on different subjects. What started as simply an outlet for the words that churned inside me, became a small network of freinds. Maybe I will still run into you if I attend any political events in the future.

The blog will remain up, but I don’t plan on being back to update it in the near future.

I’ve had fun.


30 Responses to “The end of the line”

  1. Are you completely vanishing? From everywhere?????

  2. That thud was my jaw hitting the floor…

  3. Hey Dean, I wish you the best and hope everything works out for you. I’ll miss your posts and updates on Facebook. Take care.

  4. Dean,

    I’m going to miss you, my friend.

    I hope everything is OK.

    God bless you.

  5. Dean, thanks for the valuable perspective you added to the blogosphere. Though we didn’t often agree, I appreciate your passion and insight.

    Good luck!

  6. Again, the Cheddarsphere has become a much, much sadder place.

    Good luck and God Bless.

  7. Dammit, Dean. I’m going to miss you.

  8. One of the very calm voices of reason. 😦

  9. I wish you the best and thanks for your time and effort.

  10. Godspeed, Dean. Stop by and comment now and again.

  11. I’ll miss your insight, Waukesha will miss your blog. The blog-o-sphere’s quality is poorer without you. Long life and serenity to you.

  12. Awww Dean! This bites! I understand if you need to step away, but I’m just disappointed, as are the rest of us. Not only have I always enjoyed the blog, I feel as if I were just getting to know you better. A sad, sad day. 😦

  13. Gosh, I’ll miss you. You were without doubt the most generous welcome I received when starting a year ago. If you absolutely have something that needs to be said, send it on and my blog is your blog.

    I wish you the best.

  14. The blogosphere gets slightly less reasonable.

    You did some fine work Dean.

  15. Oh come on, Dean, there’s room in wordpress for both of us.

  16. Hate to see you (and your fairness and equanimity) go. I was late to your party here, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Best of everything to you and yours.

  17. Wow! Well, sorry to see you go. Be sure to stop by at DR once in awhile. Best of luck, Dean.

  18. Well, that sucks. Best of luck. Hope to see you around.

  19. I hope we’ll still get to see you at Drinking Right!

  20. Dean, thanks for all of the insight you’ve provided over the years. You will be missed very much… please don’t disappear for good!

  21. A sad day, indeed. Thanks for your shared insights….

  22. Bummer !!!

  23. Best of luck for you now and in the future, Dean. You truly were one of the finest conservative bloggers around these parts.

    I’m sure your insights will be missed by many.

  24. 😦

    Best of luck to you.

  25. Sad to see you go Dean. Hope to see you at a B&G soon.

  26. Take care, Dean.

    You will be missed.


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