Mike Huckabee rally in Pewaukee

by thoughtfulconservative

UPDATE: Welcome wisopinion.com readers. I have not yet decided who I’m going to vote for on Tuesday.

Bryon Houlgrave shot a video of speech excerpts posted on the Conley Publishing website. He also posted some of his own (with tips to photography) at his blog (it has a self-portrait).

And two more to note, the Marquette Tribune (NOTE: video purported to be from this rally is not.) Jessica McBride had an op-ed in the Waukesha Freeman. Her thoughts parallel mine in many ways.

Donning my black Tampa Bay Buccaneers cap, I braved the cold and ventured out to the Country Springs Hotel to catch a glimpse of the Republican candidate for president Mike Huckabee. (NOTE: Barack Obama had a rally at the Waukesha Exp, but work requirements prevented me from going there. FOX 6 coverage, TMJ4, Cindy Kilkenny with multiple posts (h/t to Owen) [a comment-it looks as though the Obama crowd went through a security check–I just walked right in the Hotel, no dogs, no wand])

Huckabee insists that he’s in it to win and that no one has the required delegates to sew up the nomination, but John King on Larry King Live did the math and even if Huckabee wins the remaining contests, McCain still gets enough delegates to win (Based on Huckabee 50%, McCain 40%, Paul 10%).

To the rally itself, I’m no good at estimating crowds, so I’ll take WTMJ’s word at 500.


Tim Michels introduced Huckabee and he began his speech. Formerly a pastor, Huckabee is very comfortable speaking to a crowd.

Huckabee hit all his main points and then some; his experience as governor and contrasting that with the other candidates who have only been legislators, security issues, especially our borders, fair tax and doing away with the IRS, free trade without “handicaps,” energy independence, protecting the unborn, treating our veterans right and giving them the benefits they deserved, and a strong national defense.

He pounded the fact that Washington has not fixed these problems.

He was folksy at time telling stories of singing the National Anthem at Lambeau Field.


He spoke for about 25 minutes and then shook hands and signed his autograph.

More pictures can be found here.

NOTE: I still haven’t decided how I’m going to vote on Tuesday. I picked up two “I like Mike” signs because you never can tell when they might be of use (perhaps if this guy’s alter ego runs for office)

Other coverage of Mike Huckabee’s visit:

Steven Sheets, an area minister, also blogged the event and has pictures.

Jessica McBride was there.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

My FOX Milwaukee

TMJ4 interview

TMJ4 Huckabee speaks in Pewaukee

CBS 58 Mike Huckabee campaigns in Pewaukee

Wispolitics Election blog

Other Wisconsin campaign coverage

TMJ4 interview with John McCain

Wispolitics on Obama’s visit to Waukesha

4 Responses to “Mike Huckabee rally in Pewaukee”

  1. I’d be the worst politician ever. Dictator for life? Maybe. Politician? Nah. 😉

  2. elliot, you overpaid CEO’s are all alike 😉


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