Archive for ‘Political cartoons’

July 5, 2013

Slow Burn (?)

by thoughtfulconservative


And the article:

If you think the weather here on Earth is “getting nastier, you’re right,” says Alex Kirby at Britain’s Guardian. A new report by the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization — The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of Extremes [PDF file] — concludes that the world experienced “unprecedented high-impact climate extremes” over the first decade of the 21st century, with more national temperature records being shattered than in any other decade on record.

via This has been the wildest decade of weather ever recorded on Earth – The Week.

For some questions on the above report see also:

WMO Repeats “Hottest Decade Ever” Mantra | Watts Up With That?.

You can do anything with math anymore…

July 18, 2011

Cartoon of the day 2011-07-18

by thoughtfulconservative

The art of negotiations

January 27, 2009

Need some humor?

by thoughtfulconservative

Some off-the-wall humor, I mean. Try BizarroBlog

Here’s the most recent one.

Bizarro Blog

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December 5, 2008

Eden Political Cartoons

by thoughtfulconservative

Dave Eden draws political cartoons. The one linked to above is the current one and reflects much of what I’ve been blogging about lately.

Now that the economic downturn has been officially labelled a recession and one bailout has already taken place with another being debated, special interests are coming out of the woodwork to claim “their fare share.”

Dave is not one of the “big guns” in cartooning, so be polite (I know all of you are) and ask before downloading and posting on your sites (which is why I have just a link to the cartoon).

I’m adding Dave to my blogroll, too.

October 31, 2008

Friday Funnies

by thoughtfulconservative

October 22, 2008

Political Cartoons and Thanksgiving

by thoughtfulconservative

Those are my two most popular search terms so here is the history of Thanksgiving.

And here are some political cartoons.