Grandpa again

by thoughtfulconservative

UPDATE: Thanks again, everyone. The missus and I are obviously pleased as punch and will do our best to spoil them and then send them home with mom and dad!

Twice. In one day.


Grandson born 12:40 am in Ohio.

Granddaughter born 6:46 am in Wisconsin.

Praise the Lord for His blessings.

16 Comments to “Grandpa again”

  1. That’s amazing! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! Quite the feat of timing. This will make it easier to remember birthdays.

  3. Aw, precious. I’m sure you will do your grandfatherly duty and spoil them both rotten.

  4. Both of them are absolutely adorable! Congratulations!!!

  5. Outstanding Dean

    Nice how you worked it out boy girl to keep it balanced 🙂

    Congrats again

  6. Congratulations, and… Congratulations.

  7. Thank you one and all. Back to “hard news” soon.

  8. Grats. And be thankful you don’t have to sleep in the same house with them. I’m sooooo tired.

  9. Congratulations to a thoughtful and proud Grandpa.

  10. Congratulations to you and your family!

  11. Congratulations!!

  12. Thanks y’all.

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